www.timmarrs.co.ukFor the first entry in my (hopefully) regular 'Artist of the Month' series, I have decided to start with the man who has provided no end of inspiration in the shaping of my illustration work since leaving university: Tim Marrs. I don't really know what I can say about him, or his artwork which cannot be said clearer, or more concisely than by the images themselves. I have spent a long while studying and disecting his creations, and find the layers upon layers of images, textures and text within his Photoshop/traditional hybrid images fascinating. I love to attempt to figure out how his pieces have been produced, and I was quietly proud when, after reading an interview with him in Digital Creative magazine, that my detective work was, by and large, on the money!
He is currently represented by the Central Illustration Agency, and his work seems to be in high demand (which just proves that there are AD's out there with good taste!). He recently landed a large commission from Nike to produce a illustrations for the new look 'Brand Jordan' - two of my idols meeting can only be a good thing.
Labels: Artist Of The Month, Tim Marrs